Saturday, August 29, 2015

Inside Out - Movie Review

Hey Guys! Welcome back to my weekly blog post! This week I'm going to post something a little bit different from my usual post. Usually I post anything related to anime stuff.. Well this time.. is anim-ated movie (Japanese called anything animated as anime, so yeah) that just I watched yesterday with my girlfriend. Inside Out! A Pixar-Disney movie! At first, I want to watch Battle of Surabaya since it got a lot of "This is our local work! 10/10" reviews, So I really want to watch it... but unfortunately that movie isn't showing everywhere near my house *lol seriously*, So we watched Inside Out instead, and boy, I'm glad we did.

Anyway, Inside Out is released quite late here in Indonesia. We just got this movie released here like 2 weeks ago *probably, I forgot hahaha

Before I watch a movie (or anime/TV series), I tend to be as clueless as possible. I just sit there, and watch the movie. That's how I enjoy something that I watch, So I'm quite sensitive to spoiler. I really love the "not-knowing-what-will-happen-in-this movie". It's fun for me! *that's why I usually review something and tried as hard as possible to not spoil it for the reader so they can enjoy the movie/anime just like I did.

The same thing with Inside Out, I'm really curious what's this movie is all about

I'm going to be less structural than my anime review this time. and as usual, this is a non-spoiler review. but at some point I will put spoiler warning so you won't get spoiled XP

It's not a Pixar-Disney movie if there's no short animated film before the movie started. And it's called Lava. It's about a mountain, in the sea. that mountain is so lonely. I cried and moved by this short movie. (this month's I managed to cry over a mountain and a tadpole shrimp *from Non Non Biyori Repeat*. Achievement Unlocked! Crybaby grown ass man!) Not going to spoil you or anything, but this short animated movie is really interesting and beautiful. Usually the short movie from pixar tends to use almost no narration at all. It's just the animation that tells the story to the audience. This time around, the story exposition delivered through song narrative. It delivers a really sweet love story in just 5 mins. damn it pixar! This short animated movie is one of my favorite after Paperman which featured before Wreck-It-Ralph

Let's talk about the movie now!
Have you ever wondered about what happens in your head when you think of something, feel about something, perceived about something, or memorize about anything that ever happen in your life? This movie describes those kinds of phenomenon that happens in your daily life. So there's 5 personified emotions inside of everyone's head:
1)  Joy, who is in charge for making happy and fun thoughts. (which looks like Ellen DeGeneres somehow)
2) Disgust. who is in charge of to feel disgust *well duh, or as she describes is to protect from poisoning both physically and socially (best character lol)
3) Anger, who is in charge to feel angry for anything
4) Fear, Who is in charge to protect everybody from potential disasters or dangers or in other words, feeling scared and worried about anything
5) and lastly, Sadness, who is in charge for making sad and gloomy thoughts which is the polar opposite character of Joy

*these characters reminds me Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater boss seriously hahaha! The Fury, The Fear, The Joy, The Sorrow
These 5 emotions are in charge to control every body's emotion, storing their memories based on the emotion felt during that memories. And in that memories there's core memories that shaped someone's personality. Which makes that particular someone is that particular someone!
So this movie is all about that. And it takes a story of something that really happens in a girl named Riley. She is very loved by her parents, have her friends, and loves to play hockey, and she is a very honest and wacky girl. Which makes her core memory is dominated by Joy.

The problem starts when she have to moved from Minnesota in San Francisco because of his dad's job. And the story goes into Riley's head and telling how she feels about moving from her old place to a new one. How did Riley feel when she moved to San Francisco? That's all I can say about the story.

I enjoyed watching this movie and loved the concept of it so much! As I mentioned in my Projective Technique post, Sometimes it is hard for people to describe how they feel. Because it is a very complex and abstract thing and cannot be measured by numbers *except we live in Sibyl System lol*
What makes me even enjoy this movie is because this movie managed to describe anything that happens in every body's (including animals) head in a very simple way! For example :
1) This movie describes the long term memory which is stored in a big shelf and shaped like maze.
2) Memory dump, which dump some memories that is not really needed, or in other words, Forgotten
3) Subconscious, which is a prison in the dark abyss of the thought which stores deep darkest fear.
4) Imagination land, where the imagination is stored *my favorite part of this movie lol
5) Dreamworks Production Studio which describes how dreams works *pun detected
6) Train of thought, which is a very nice pun. It's a train that carries thoughts or memories
7) How pop-up memories works. You know, when suddenly you remember a catchy tune in your head
8) I really like the emotion who dominates the control of emotion are different for every body
for example, Riley is dominated by Joy, her Father is dominated by Anger which describes him as an hotheaded spirited man, and her mother is dominated by Sadness which means she is a melancholic person. I personally think that I am dominated by Joy and second lead would be disgust since I'm a very skeptical person sometimes lololol
9) The concept of feeling empty or void. Where the emotion tries to press the console control but it doesn't work.
I think the theme itself is quite deep and abstract and I honestly kinda doubt that kids will fully understand what is actually they watching. Maybe teenagers can still understand this.

And I really like the ending and the message that it delivers from the ending which is.......


When we talk about moving it means it's about growing up and how we adapt to a new place if that place is not as good as the old one and growing up is not an easy matter. It is okay to be sad about it, It doesn't mean that you have throw away your actual feelings because it is a negative one. It is OK to accept and be honest about how you feel about yourself and tell about how you feel.


Should you watch this? Definitely yes! It's a very unique movie with complex concept which is presented in a simple and fun way.

That's all I can say about this movie. I honestly cried a lot during this movie, I laughed a lot, I feel disgusted at some point, and I feel scared too. Damn it Pixar! Stop playing with our emotions! X'D
What if they make a cross-over between Toy Story and Inside Out which describes what's on those toy's head? Who knows...

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