Saturday, September 5, 2015

Should a fictional story make sense?

Hey guys, welcome back to my weekly blog post! This week I'm going to talk about logic in a fictional story

What triggers me to post this is because I saw a comment in Attack on Titan Live action movie (which got a lot of bad reviews btw, but I'm not going to watch it haha) that comment was saying like
"Err Should a fiction movie be realistic? If a movie is realistic, well that's a real world sir!"
that person is commenting on the movie critique about this movie that told us that this movie makes no sense and not realistic at all.

that comment grinds my gears *seriously tho hahaha* (I spent too much time on the internet seriously, Sometimes when I don't know what to post, I read up the comments just for blog post material, oh me XP)

The thing is, that comment is neither wrong or right, every single movie or anime or books or manga/ comic are not real (depends on the source material too, if it is a biography or telling a true story events, then it is real). But what makes us feels absorbed to that described "world" is because every story has its own logic and concept. And what makes a good story if  the story is consistent with its own logic until the end of the story. (one factor point for me, actually there's a lot of factors that make a good story good)

When I told you that it is not real, it means that it is bullshit. And I believe that every single person have their own "Bullshit-tolerance" which means how much bullshit that you can tolerate when you encounter an idea. A good fictional story, which is consistent with its own logic would make you say like Giovanna Giorno
my girlfriend is already finished reading part 5, while, I'm still in part 4 lol

and one of the factor that makes a story bad is because that the story is inconsistent with its own logic would make you say "THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT!"
The problem is, most of the people didn't aware of this "Bullshit-tolerance"and have a high "bullshit-tolerance"
As for me, my bullshit tolerance is quite low since I am a very skeptical and logical person hahahah

Let's take examples from one of most #rekt anime that I've ever watched, BIRDALDNOAH.ZERO which is a total crap anime (but God-Tier Soundtrack,thanks to Hiroyuki Sawano). In this scene, they are fighting in outer space in a mecha suit and then there's this line in the anime. (This is not an edit or troll sub)

They actually say "Kaze" in this scene. which means "wind" so in their world there's a wind in the outer space. At first I was like, "Okay so in their world, there's wind in the outer space" trying to comprehend with the total bullshit that happened in this anime.The next thing I'm going to say is spoiler for Aldnoah.Zero which is for me is totally okay to be spoiled because it's already crappy anyway XP

Later on in the next 5-6 episodes, there's a fight between this Slaine guy with other count guy *i forgot the name* and they fight. and Finally Slaine wins the battle by beheading the enemy's robot which exposed the pilot to the outer space. and then he dies because there's no oxygen in the outer space.

there's no oxygen in the space? So WHERE DOES THE WIND COME FROM?? A WIND IS A MOVING AIR RIGHT? This kind of inconsistency makes me irritated.

Let's take a look for consistency of logic now. For example Psycho Pass Movie (which is awesome btw). There's a equipment in a bracelet that lets the person to translate foreign language to the user's native language simultaneously. This equipment is used by Akane Tsunemori when she deals with people in Shambala Float which is located *maybe* in Thailand or other South East Asia country. And when Akane is around, they talk in Japanese, but when they are not around, they use English. I just love that minor consistency

Another example is JoJo's Bizzare Adventure where the fights are using logic which is consistent throughout the series. Like their Stand can only be attacked by other Stand and could not be damaged by any physical material.

Or Inception where the dreams logic is very solid and consistent too through out the movie. About the layers of dreams."The Kick" and many more!

Edge of Tomorrow also have a very unique logic and story telling, which is time loop, It is consistent right till the end. I won't spoil it for you, but it is an awesome movie! If you haven't watched it, go watch it now! XD

So, answering the title's question, Should a fictional story make sense? The story can make no sense at all, but the way how the story is delivered should make sense.

How about you guys, have you ever encountered a movie/book/anime/comic/manga that makes no sense?


  1. yep word "kaze" in aldnoah is really weird
    perhaps what sleine or staff mean is solar wind IMO

  2. "The slow solar wind has a velocity of about 400 km/s, a temperature of 1.4–1.6×10^6 Kelvin"
    1 Kelvin = 273 Celcius
    and they mentioned that it is 16.000.000 in Kelvin degree
    which means that Inaho and others should be wiped out by that solar wind hahahaha
