Sunday, August 2, 2015

What makes a mature anime?

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog! Hope you guys are feeling well and healthy!
I had a minor accident this week. It's not that horrible, but I'm okay! This week I had a little bit of confusion of what should I post this week, I had materials and so on *in my head* but didn't have the time to write it here *or make a draft out of it* because I'm quite busy with work this week hahaha! So hopefully you enjoy this week's post! I promise to my self to post at least an entry every Sunday.

Enough with the chit chat, let's jam!

As a person who spent a lot of time on the internet, sometimes I just love to see how people interact with each other, and on this case is the anime lover vs the normal person

The normal person would normally see people who loves to watch anime is childish. That person would be like

"Oh you still watch cartoon? What a brat!"

and the anime lover be like

"It's not cartoon! It's anime!"

and that particular anime lover post it in the anime group and be like

"This normies never watched anime and told that it was childish! This guy never seen Highschool DxD!"

Welp, that was an interesting statement......

Personally, I'd ignore what normal people say about anime. If they say childish, I don't mind. Don't make other people's judgement bothers who you really are. I am 25 years old now and I can say that I still enjoy watching anime because I just love it! Should you care about them not liking anime? No, just love what you do. It's better for you to spend time doing something you really enjoy better than looking after someone and get pissed at someone who don't really care about you, right?


Highschool DxD is an anime that heavily relies on... Sexual themes, as you can see here, The "plot" is just too huge to handle lol
Look at the size of! My god she has long hair! *eh

Now we're back to the main title's question... What makes a mature anime? That anime lover sure thinks that if the anime has a lot of titties then it is qualified as a mature anime...

Well, he is not 100% right or wrong...

"How about violence? Anime that contains a lot of violence should be classified as mature anime right?? Take a look at Tokyo Ghoul or Shingeki no Kyojin, PEOPLE DIED THERE! THERE'S A LOT OF BLOOD, MUTILATED PARTS OF BODIES! "

Welp, again, it's not 100% right or wrong

In my opinion, what makes a mature anime qualified as "mature" if it has a story that is only relatable and understandable for mature audiences. Does that include sexual themes and violence? Yes, it could be. Sex is a part of our life, we can't deny its existence and it what makes us human a human. And violence or should I say aggression is one of the way to solve a problem if two of unmet paradigm clashes and didn't meet any conclusion, that's why war happens. War.. war never change.. *Fallout 3 anyone?*

To make it easier, let's classify this into genres, which are Shounen and Seinen genre
Shounen in Japanese means "A Young boy" while Seinen means "an adult man". These 2 genres are differentiated by its "target audiences". So if you see a seinen genre, it is targeted to the more mature audiences. Can younger audiences enjoy seinen genre? They could, but they can't get the same grasp like the mature audience do. That's why sometimes the younger audience misunderstand the concept that is being delivered in the Seinen genre. The same way with mature audience who watches shounen genre. They can enjoy it but sometimes they can't relate to the younger audiences' problem *like I do when I watched high school romance drama anime now*

So how about Naruto? It has violence, does it classify as a mature anime?
For me, it's big no since the kids and teenagers can relate a lot to this anime and understand this very well, The struggle to get back your homo friend who lost his ways are real yo! *pfft*

Highschool DxD? It has sexual themes, does it classify as a mature anime?
For me. it's a big no! Since, well.. there's almost no story in it.. *almost* and this anime is full of fanservice. What is a fanservice? well, it's servicing the fans! There's a lot of form of fanservice but in this context is to make the male audience pleased by giving the image to satisfy their carnal desire.

Those two series that I mentioned above are classified as shounen genre. Seinen genre use violence and sexual content as well, but there's a series that almost didn't use those two elements and relies heavily on story

Take Mushishi for example, They can deliver a great story and setting of the world in this anime which is very intriguing and makes you think without using violence or sexual content. I totally recommend this anime because this anime is so good and quite underrated and not popular since, yeah, no sexual theme or moe character to attract most people lol
Ginko FTW, Mushishi probably one of the best underrated anime I've ever seen. The soundtrack is awesome too

Maybe some of you guys asked, "Why you choose Naruto as an example? There's a lot of anime that has more gore and violence in it!"

The thing is, Naruto is very popular series and you (including me as well) can accept the tonality of violence or sexual content of a certain anime, but how about the other people?

The tonality of acceptance of the sexual or the violence content depends on where you are actually. Here in Indonesia, even Naruto's violent action sequence is heavily censored by our local television. Even Spongebob Squarepants got censored for god's sake!
She wears a bra and blurred out by our TV, WHO'D TURNED ON BY THIS SERIOUSLY!? WTF

So what makes a mature anime is mature for you guys? :D


  1. to quote from you "So what makes a mature anime is mature for you guys?"
    A mature animation film? mark my word....
    why? like one of our elite four said "read the comic" wkwkwkw
    seriously it is mature, don't bother google-ing for it, not even release yet. 2016. but again, if you want to know why it is gonna be mature anime like right now, READ THE COMIC

    1. Noted on Batman dude
      Will look forward to it :D
